Thursday, February 12, 2015

Stuck Inside

A couple of weeks ago, my humans let me play in the back yard like they always do. They never worried about me getting out of the yard, because I had never done it before. I felt like going on an adventure and I jumped over the fence into one of the neighbors yard. I could hear the humans calling me, but I did not care I was hanging out in the neighbors backyard. I must have fallen asleep, because it was now dark. I could hear the humans still calling my name. "Pussouss where are you?" I finally decided to go back home when I got hungry. My humans were happy and angry with me at the same time. My Mom picked me up and kissed me, then she scolded me for making them worry so much.
I slept well that night after my adventure. Now I am not aloud to go out in the yard anymore unless I have a leash on.

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